The GOP in full-effect Mode

Rush is an idiot.

The media tried to put out that he apologized. But from his mouth, he takes nothing back about his actions.

But let us move across the Mississippi to see what is happening in Tennessee.

You can always tell when the GOP are desperate. When things get tough they put on their white hoods and strike up racial fears in southern folk. And there is nothing that scares southern white folk more than having some black mandigo buck pillage their wholesome white flower woman.

They pulled the ad but it says a lot about the GOP that they would even run it. The funny thing about it is that the ad backfired. People were offended by it and most people saw it for what it was. I guess the GOP didn't count on... well, how can I put it... PROGRESS!!!

Question to white southern folk. Don't you find it offensive that someone would think so little of your intellect that they figure that insinuating Harold Ford was with a white woman would change your vote?

Only 12 more days of this... thank goodness.


19 Responses to The GOP in full-effect Mode

  1. Rose Says:
    What! The second one is so low and it shows why the GOP need to be knocked down several sizes. BUt Rush is as stupid as does...Micheal did not take his medicine. I've seen him do that several times and one was when he was speaking in Washington trying to pass a bill. He also said many months ago that he does not take the medicine at home. Rush is a fool. Why is he still making comments anyway with his drug using ...ooooh don't get me started.
  2. nosthegametoo Says:
    Such a disgrace.
  3. Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden Says:
    10 27 06

    You know, I hadn't thought of the racial undertones as much as I did the overt MISinformation that they are spinning. I think that is pretty close to slanderous!
  4. Bushwack Says:
    Agree with you about Rush, That was an idiotic statement and he should be flogged for his lack of compassion.

    Don't agree with the desperation in Tenn. thing, I'm not sure about what is happening there, I don't follow tenn. politics, I couldn't care less.

    If the attacks come from the left to the right, be prepared for a counter and vise versa, politics is a nasty business.

    I really don't care what happens in November. the way I look at it.
    It will take from now until the next election to convince the Republicans that abandoning their base, will result in unemployment.

    That will be about as long as it will take the democrats to increase taxes, get our troops out of Iraq and ruin the economy.

    The next one will be the last one...

    Go ahead Democrats take the HOUSE!!!! give it a shot your way, if it don't work the Dem's will never have control again.
  5. James Manning Says:

    The truth is that if the democrats take the house, nothing will get done. It's not as though the House has much power. The president still has a veto pen and its Bush's call when the troops come home. The most they can do is force the president to bring it down a notch.

    But reality on the ground is doing that. Based on the last couple of press confernces, Bush is talking a whole new story - at least in public.

    I don't think Dems taking the house is that important. However, what they do with it will determine if people stay with them so this is their chance to either make some gains or turn everything over to the GOP for the next two generations.
  6. Dave Miller Says:
    Sorry to be a little late gang, I've been on vacation. James, taking the house does indeed have significance. With control of the house comes oversight. That includes the power to supeona administration officials to testify on a host of issues "under penalty of perjury." I am sure the White House would rather lose the Senate than the House. Perhaps now we will see at least some accountablity if in fact the Dems do take over the house.
  7. Bushwack Says:

    My god are you crazy? from a liberal congress? LOL

    All that the Bush crowd has to do is say something about their childhood or blame the government for the temptation of corruption. Not to mention bring into question the definitions of purjury. it would be at least 4 years before anything was resolved....

    Neither one of these parties have acted responsible. NEITHER of them. and if you think the Dems are on the high ground in accountability you need to look at the voting records.

    All of the sitting Dem's had access to Intel reports, the same ones Bush seen, the warren commision and all the other commisions agreed. BUSH LIED don't cut it.

    The abandon ship mentality is all the Dems. the Dumbass prosecution of the "After the invasion" is all the Republicans.

    I can admit the party I voted for screwed up. I don't hear the same from the Dem supporters.

    Not that typical B.S "well we were duped" crap. You voted for it support it. If you turned your back when things got tough you should be voted out of office.
    If you screwed up in the decision making process of this Iraq debacle you should be voted out of office.

    End of story.
  8. Bushwack Says:
    BTW James, I agree this is a chance for the Dem's, if they take the house and holdback funds from our troops, that will be strike one.

    If they spend their whole 100 days impeaching Bush, strike 2

    if they rollback tax cuts, Strike 3 and that will pretty much seal the fate of the Dem party.

    However if they Work on border security.

    If they, pass some health care reform

    if they actually make some recomendations on Iraq that make sense, they might be there for a while.
  9. James Manning Says:
    In order to get blamed for something you have to have done something. The only thing I blame the Dems for is not having the balls to ask some tough questions before the war.

    When one party has control over every branch of government, it is hard to stop anything. Heck, it just so happens that the Senate have more thinking people than the House so it is harder to get legislation through. That will still be the case no matter which party controls the Senate.

    But the HOUSE!!! A bunch of screw balls.
  10. Anonymous Says:
    BW I know you are still stuck in the 1970's when the Democratic Congress withheld funds for Vietnam but this Democratic Congress will not make that same mistake.

    What they can do it tie the appropriations to an update from the administrations-say every three to six months and force the Adminstration to give some sort of metrics or timetable for what their goals in Iraq are and how well we are doing it.

    The Dems have no chance of taking back the Senate. Ford is going to be a victim of racial slippage at the polls. He is tied with Corker right now and I see Corker winning at least 55%-45% and I don't think that Webb can defeat Allen in VA. The best that the Dems can hope for is a 51-49 Senate.

    BTW BW I am sorry (well not really) that my Cowboys had to beat your Panthers.

    Don't worry the Cowboys will lose to the Redskins next week since they are having a Dr Jeckyl-Mr Hyde type of season. Parcell will replace Romo with Bledsoe next week and/or TO will have another diva moment because he didn't get a touchdown tonight.

    Damn Jerry Jones.
  11. Dionne Says:
    What did Rush say that makes him an idiot? Maybe he shouldn't have said that Fox might've been acting but I think its obvious for all to see that Fox purposely didn't take his medication for the ad so his symptoms would be exaggerated. And as always when the liberals trot out their "victims" we aren't even allowed to respond.

    I loved Michael J. Fox on Family Ties and in almost every movie he's ever done. I have sympathy for his suffering from Parkinson's disease. But that doesn't mean he has the right to run a dishonest ad and not be called to account for it.

    I can't even begin to tell you how sick I am of how Rush is crucified for things that he doesn't deserve to be crucified for. He has had plenty of suffering in his life between his hearing loss and everything else. He sympathizes with Fox but that doesn't mean that the truth shouldn't be pointed out about what he's done.

    And for the record you can call Rush lots of things but he's not an idiot.
  12. Anonymous Says:
    Little Miss Chatterbox said...
    What did Rush say that makes him an idiot?

    Roderick: First of all it isn't just what Rush said. Rush did a little spastic dance imitating MJF's Parkinson's symtoms.

    Secondly Rush isn't a doctor and he has no idea if MJF's took his meds before he made the commercial. Just because Rush is a former Hillbilly Heroin addict and got caught with some illegal viagra a couple months ago doesn't make him an expert on how prescription drugs affect people.

    Furthermore MJF was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1991- which is fifteen years ago and as anyone should know your body adjust to any drug over time and isn't as effective as it was when you first took it so MJF's tremors and involuntery movements wouldn't be out of the ordinary even if he took his medications faithfully.

    LMC: Maybe he shouldn't have said that Fox might've been acting but I think its obvious for all to see that Fox purposely didn't take his medication for the ad so his symptoms would be exaggerated. And as always when the liberals trot out their "victims" we aren't even allowed to respond.

    Roderick: I am so 'f'ing sick of that line that you can't respond to victims. You can respond to the what the victims say but why do you people have to make it personal?

    There was no reason for Limpballs to make those assumptions and imitate MJF's Parkinson's symptoms.

    All he had to do is make a reasoned argument against embryonic stem cell research. But no he had to take the low road as usual.

    LMC: I can't even begin to tell you how sick I am of how Rush is crucified for things that he doesn't deserve to be crucified for. He has had plenty of suffering in his life between his hearing loss and everything else. He sympathizes with Fox but that doesn't mean that the truth shouldn't be pointed out about what he's done.

    Roderick: Yes he has gone through a lot of suffering and even got outed as the hypocrite he is when he was caught doctor shopping for Oxycontin, but no one feels sorry for him because usually when people go through a lot of personal suffering they gain compassion for others. Not so for Rush. He is as callous and self-rightous as ever.
  13. Anonymous Says:
    Oh btw LMC Fox made a commercial for Republican Arlen Specter in 2004 but I don't recall Rush complaining about that.

    In his commercial for Specter in 2004, Fox praised Specter for championing medical research.

    BTW here is an interesting tidbit about Parkinson's--

    "Of course, by making these wild claims Limbaugh was merely exposing his own ignorance. You see, shaking is actually a side-effect of the medicine used to control Parkinson's disease. If people stop taking the medicine, they stop shaking. In fact, they stop moving altogether - that's why they take the medication in the first place."
  14. Dionne Says:

    #1--Rush was just showing what Michael J. Fox had done.

    #2--Whether he took too much medicine or not enough he OBVIOUSLY did something to alter his symptoms on the video. He has been on numerous shows since the ad and his symptoms have never been as bad. Doesn't it bother you that he was obviously altering his appearance to play on your sympathies? He had every right to do this but he also had every right to be called on it.

    #3--I think it is despicable that the Drive By Media is focusing on
    how "mean" Rush was instead of focusing on the deceptions in this ad. Jim Talent is not against expanding stem cell research just not embryonic stem cell research. And he is not for criminalizing anything. Just 2 of the deceptions in the ad and then the implication that Jim Talent is not for hopes for cures because he doesn't believe in experimenting on human life.

    #4--Arlen Specter is a liberal who I barely consider to be a Republican. He is all for experimenting on human life and so I'm sure Michael J. Fox is campaigning for him. That doesn't impress me or probably Rush for that very reason.
  15. Anonymous Says:
    Little Miss Chatterbox said...

    #1--Rush was just showing what Michael J. Fox had done.

    #2--Whether he took too much medicine or not enough he OBVIOUSLY did something to alter his symptoms on the video. He has been on numerous shows since the ad and his symptoms have never been as bad. Doesn't it bother you that he was obviously altering his appearance to play on your sympathies?

    Roderick: Wow don't you just love throwing around unfounded accusations. Maybe you need to read up on the facts that medications don't affect the same person the same way each time.

    I just wish you people would look at Bush with the same jaundiced eye that you seem to have for MJF.

    LMC: I think it is despicable that the Drive By Media is focusing on
    how "mean" Rush was instead of focusing on the deceptions in this ad. Jim Talent is not against expanding stem cell research just not embryonic stem cell research. And he is not for criminalizing anything. Just 2 of the deceptions in the ad and then the implication that Jim Talent is not for hopes for cures because he doesn't believe in experimenting on human life.

    Roderick: I would hope by now that everyone knows that we are talking about embryonic stem cells not adult stem cells. Maybe the media makes that assumption also.

    #4--Arlen Specter is a liberal who I barely consider to be a Republican. He is all for experimenting on human life and so I'm sure Michael J. Fox is campaigning for him. That doesn't impress me or probably Rush for that very reason.

    Roderick: That's funny because the Republicans in the Senate still consider Specter a Republican and count him as such.
  16. James Manning Says:
    Actually Miss Chatter,

    According to Fox, it is the medication that makes him shake like that. This from an interview he did after the Rush flap.

    I don't get the flap about being against embryonic stem cell research.

    Note: Stem cells can be extracted from very young human embryos -- typically from surplus frozen embryos left over from in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures at fertility clinics. A couple undergoing IVF is faced with four alternatives for their 16 or so surplus embryos: source

    Currently there are 400,000 embryos being store. Eventually, these embryos will not be viable for anything. Why shouldn't we use them for research? They are going to be discarded.

    As for creating alternatives, sure I think that is a good idea. And there are some ethical concerns that should be addressed. But the current debate doesn't make sense to me.

    And Rush is an idiot.
  17. MEP Says:
    People keep comparing MJF's behavior on Boston Legal to that commercial and saying that the difference between the two is proof that he did something to emphasize his illnes. Think about it: he doesn't LIKE appearing symptomatic, so when he taped episodes of Boston Legal they would probably do as many takes as necessary so that he appeared as "good" as possible. His character didn't have Parkinsons.

    Perhaps he just didn't do a million takes for the commercial, because he wasn't acting - he was talking about stem cell research in a real forum and being symptomatic was more appropriate because HE HAS Parkinson's.

    The stupidity of the commercial speaks for itself - pandering to stereotypes and racial fears.
  18. Cynthia Says:
    Rush is one sick and twisted puppy or should I say DOG....

    As for Ford, I agree with everything the Republicans are saying about him...
  19. BigNewsDay Says:

    The reason why everyone is is pissed at Rush Scumbaugh is that he had the perfect opportunity to discuss an issue, but instead decided to attack the messenger. Whether or not MJF was shaking or twitching is completely irrelevant to the congressional race that MFJ was campaigning for. Typical Republican blame-shifting BS.