Political Junkie Talk

I wrote this October 5, 2005:

Having a political philosophy is one thing. Having that philosophy reflect in good sound policy is another. And time and time again the Bush Administration has shown that it cannot execute policy. The war in Iraq is a prime example of a philosophy gone astray when it is time to execute the policy. Establishing Democracy in the Middle East, ridding the world of a tyrant, building up a new Iraq that would not be a threat to its neighbors and an ally in the war on terror... it all sounds good and for the most part is a good idea. But then they had to execute their plan (which was lacking) and they flopped badly. The cost for that flop is $200 billion, the lives of almost 2000 soldiers and countless Iraqi lives.

They flopped when it came to implementing their "ownership society" and being fiscally responsible. Yeah, it sounds good to give us more control of our money when it came to Social Security, getting government out of our lives, being fiscal responsible, creating a smaller government. But now we have structural deficits the result in trillions of dollars in debt. The Social Security bill was DOA and we now have the largest increase in government spending since WWII. The Bush Administration is a failure at being fiscal conservatives... the mantra on which they hang their philosophical hats.

The funny thing is that things have only gotten worse.

#Troops killed in Iraq: 2759
#Cost of Iraq War: $335 billion
#Social Security reform: dead
#Medicare Reform: dead
#National Debt: $8.5 Trillion

With this being an election year, no doubt the administration and the Republicans Congress will attempt to distract voters from their incompetence and blame everything on gay people and atheist. We need a change.

Reforming Our System

Term Limits for Congress
After talking with a friend about our government. I am now a firm believer in term limits. A term should last 3 years with a maximum of 9 years of service allowed. One-third of the Congress should be up for re-election every year. It would mean a continuous election process but accountability would come much faster.

Public Campaign Financing
We should turn to public finances of elections. If a political party is supported by at least 10% of the voters, it would qualify for equal financing. This would mean that other political parties would be able to compete.

Diminish the role Political PACs
I understand the need for advocacy groups but not outside party should be allowed to campaign on behalf of any candidate and no campaign ads should be allowed to run without the endorsement of one of the candidates running for office. We can then hold elected officials accountable for the words of activist groups.

Full Disclosure From Lobbyist

We should know exactly whom politicians are talking to and for what reason. Lobby groups should be made to disclose all of their interactions with politicians and for what purpose.

Also, politicians should be banned from lobbyist employment for a period of six years after leaving office. This will ensure that at least 25% of the people they served with are no longer in office.

The questions I have are:

1. If the Republicans maintain control of Congress, do you expect them to do better, worse or about the same?

2. If Democrats take at control of the House, do you expect things to get better, worse, or about the same?
3. How would you rank the job that the Republicans have done with total control of Congress and the White House? Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Failed

4. What changes would you like to see to our political system?


6 Responses to Political Junkie Talk

  1. Bushwack Says:
    1. If the Republicans maintain control of Congress, do you expect them to do better, worse or about the same?

    The same or Worse

    2. If Democrats take at control of the House, do you expect things to get better, worse, or about the same?


    3. How would you rank the job that the Republicans have done with total control of Congress and the White House? Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Failed


    4. What changes would you like to see to our political system?

    I'd like to see an end to bi-partisan politics. I want to see a united congress and senate taking care of the people first and their jobs second. I like the term limit proposal.
    Not only for Congress, but I would like to see a Supreme court held accountable for their dumbass rulings too.

    I think congress should ever get a raise unless it's voted on by us. I think the Presidential term should be lifted
    My reasoning for this is:

    A second term president is ineffective no matter what party he is from.
    I say if he is doing a good enough job to get elected to a third, fourth or fifth term, so be it.
  2. James Manning Says:
    I like your ideas except the president. That would be the worst thing in the world to have president sitting in office for 20 years. Actually, I think a President should serve a single six year term and be done. That's more than long enough for them to do what they are going to do.

    What I want is an end to career politicians.
  3. Unknown Says:
    If Republicans retain control nothing will change because they are unwilling to acknowledge wrong doing. If Democrats gain control very little will change because they have set forth no new ideas. They are simply critical of Republicans. The Republicans have done a terrible job and have held true to none of the standards they claim. Id like to see blacks less apathetic to the political process.
  4. James Manning Says:

    it would be nice if blacks got more into politics but when you look at it - it is very hard not to get discouraged by the entire process.
  5. Dave Miller Says:
    1. If the Republicans maintain control of Congress, do you expect them to do better, worse or about the same?
    I think we should expect to see some changes in Iraq if the GOP manages to maintain control of both houses. I think that has already been signaled by some of the more "mature" voices of the party like James Baker and Mark Warner.

    2. If Democrats take at control of the House, do you expect things to get better, worse, or about the same?
    I think we will see some battles because it looks like the Dems will infact control the House, which is the investigative body of Congress. In essence, not much will get done except ongoing hearings and challenges to King Bush and his team.
    3. How would you rank the job that the Republicans have done with total control of Congress and the White House? Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Failed
    The GOP has failed to exercise proper fiscal responsibility. They have been the biggest spenders in history. I am actually waiting to see how they blame Clinton for this. Their war policy, or lack thereof, has been horrible. They have played politics with congressional votes, (by waiting until October in election years to bring up controversial issues), and have either lied or been just plain wrong on a host of issues. (I've posted a short list list on my site) All of that said, I guess, given your choices, they have failed.

    4. What changes would you like to see to our political system?
    The six year term is intriguing. I could go for that. I am leaning towards a state by state percentage allocation of electors for the presidential elections. This might ensure that our candidates run a national campaign and that states like California or even Rhode Island do not get overlooked as they head to only the "battleground" states. I am not sure on term limits, but I do believe we need work on eliminating the gerrymandering of districts so that incumbants are protected.
  6. Anonymous Says:
    1. Republicans suck

    2. Democrats suck

    3. Terrible

    4. March every politician down Pennsylvania Ave. single file and shoot every single one of them dead. Then when the next generation of politicians decides to run, make them view the video of the assasinations and the dead corpses and let them know that they will have a fate at least as bad if they subject our great country to such bullshit again.