Bush in the Political Storm

Update: Check out the article, How Bush Blew It. Again, we see what really happened behind the scene and how Bush is out of touch with reality.

Somehow the Bush team think they can escape the consequences of the fed slow response to the storm. Well, it looks as though Bush numbers are dropping again. Accordning a Newsweek article, Eye of the Political Storm, only 38 percent of Americans approve of his job performance.

The fact is that it was Bush who hired Mike "Brownie" Brown to head FEMA after Joe Albough left (who is now lobbying FEMA on behalf of Halliburton) and recommended Mike Brown to the President.

I think most Americans see through the crap and realize that although the local government made some mistakes, the bulk of the resources come from the Feds and they were slow to the punch.

The Republicans will try to frame this to their liking, but Mr. Bush has run out of Kool-Aid. His comment that no one thought the levees would break is like him saying that know one predicted the level of insurgency we've seen in Iraq. Lies and more Lies. For those new to the blog - take a stroll on the Bush trail of lies.

Thank good it's football season - but what happened to the Big Ten. Michigan and Ohio State lost at home. Wow.

Go Bears!!!


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