PlayStation 3

I’ll admit it; I reside in what would be considered the dark ages of the gaming world. I am still playing Madden 2003 on the Sony Playstation console. It’s not that I didn’t want to upgrade to the PlayStation 2 or MS Xbox. I just didn’t have enough interest in enough games to compel me to spend the money. But Sony has changed my mind. If you haven’t seen the new PlayStation 3 console, it is something to behold. I want one. I want to play Madden 2006 on a PlayStation 3 and experience the next generation of gaming. I really don’t care how much it cost or the fact that I may only play three or four different games on it. And I really don't have to worry about the cost if my girlfriend, whom I have hinted to several times that I want a PlayStation for my birthday, come through for me. It may be an "Bush-like" tactic to get what I want but the alternative is to either buy one myself or go without. The PS3 does not come out until the spring of 2006 and my birthday is in January. So I may have to make due with the PS2 for a while. But there will be more birthdays


5 Responses to PlayStation 3

  1. Anonymous Says:
    Awesome console I am watching E3 06 LIVE now as I type.
  2. Anonymous Says:
    send me one i live in greensboro n.c
  3. Anonymous Says:
    ps3 comes out in march 2007 and it doesnt look like that
  4. Anonymous Says:
    PS3 é muito legal .tem muitos jogos legais...............................................................................................................................................................................................................[i][r][a][d][o]
  5. Anonymous Says:
    PS3 é igual a isso radical