Thanks Fellow Bloggers

I would like to extend a special thank you to those of you that participate on my blog and make it what it is today. I appreciate every comment and every visit... We've come a long way baby. The first full month of blogging generated a total of 20 comments.

Thanks Very First Commentor
My very first comment came from privatedancer on a post I wrote about that fact that I think that Larry Elders is an idiot . She is no longer blogging but I do appreciate that. So a special thanks goes out to her for being the very first poster and a shot out to Neil for reminding me to thank my very first commentor.

Thanks to the Blogger that has been around the longest.

Cynthia's first comment on this blog was on a post where I noted that Congress was full of *human feces*. That was June 15th and she is still around. Thanks for that continued support Cynt.. Go White Sox.

Thanks to the Blogger that made me stop hating black conservatives.

One of the purposes of this blog was to expose the idiocy of Larry Elders and his kind. I was really on a roll when I came across Lashawn Barber. Boy, I had a true dislike for black conservatives forming until Dell Gines started commenting on Lashawn's blog. It was long before I found out that he was a black conservative. But he is of the mold that I can get with. After making a few comments about Lashawn on his blog, I was banned by Lashawn. Several others migrated to Dell's blog and we've been going at it since. Because of Dell, I now wait to hear what a black conservative has to say before I decide to hate them or not. Good looking out.

Thanks to the conservative bloggers that haven't banned me after ranting on their blogs.

This goes out to Bold As Love, Cobb, Reva's Take and the Chatterbox Chronicles. I've ranted on your blogs, called Bush a spawn of the Devil, called the Republican Party the Murderous Republicana Reich and even called a host of conservative bloggers that believe in the death penalty and bunch of sick bastards. Yet, you tolerate me and you even comment on my blog. That's cool. I can't promise not to snap off you again, but just know that it's all love.

Thanks to the bloggers that make me laugh.

Midlife Crisis, Humanity Critic and Listen to Leon have some of the funniest material that I've ever read. I will add New York Moment and Citizen of the Month to the roll this week because they are very funny as well. I try to be entertaining as well, but there are some folks that just do it at a higher level - as is the case with these fellow bloggers. I've piggybacked of some of their post but for the most part, I just like to read them and forget about the fact that I have three more years to put up with Bush. Thanks for assisting me in doing that.

Thanks to the genius bloggers.

These are the bloggers that I read that bring a new perspective to the debate and offer insight and information through their research and intellectual grasp of the topic. Mahndisa's Thoughts, Cynthia's Interest, Dell Gines, The Struggle Within, James Lamb and The Light Within are blogs with a wealth of information and intellectual commentary that I really enjoy reading. When I am in the mood for serious discussion, I log onto these blogs. Good stuff and because of these blogs, I've been able to better qualify my position and qualify them as well.

Thanks you as well. You were not forgotten.

I didn't forget you, MEP of Overtly Analytical, DCS of Media by Sistrunk, Scott of The Turnaround, DJ of DJ Diva, NARO% of Ghetto Gold and Kerri of Welcome to My World. You guys come here almost every day so I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate it. Thanks for continually commenting on my blog and linking me on your blog.

So there it is. My thank you to the blogroll. You guys have a great Thanksgiving and I'll see you on Monday. In the meantime, ya'll welcome some new folks to the roll.

New York Moments: The girl is funny and raw. You are sure to come away laughing. I've finally gotten over the fact that one of her commentors likes to "toy with himself" while listening to Johnny Cash.

Citizen of the Month: This guy is absolutely funny. Ya'll really need to check this blog out. He has a post about dating a Liberal that is one of the funniest that I've ever read.

Rell: He's had me linked for some time and he comments on the blogs. His blog is unique in that there are several people that post. So, the topics are diverse and there is always a fresh topic to debate. The design is real nice as well.

Planet Dan-E: This is an interesting blog. I haven't gotten a chance to go through it but he had a great recap of Sunday's NFL games and that alone makes the blog worthy.



13 Responses to Thanks Fellow Bloggers

  1. Deb Sistrunk Nelson Says:
    Happy Thanksgiving, James!
  2. NewYorkMoments Says:
    Thanks, James! I'm honored :-D

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden Says:
    11 23 05

    James: you have honored me with your kind words and I really appreciate it. As I think of this more, I find it interesting that you label Dell a conservative then Revka and Ms. Chatterbox. But I guess I am in another category:) I started to really think a few days ago that the lib con rubric doesn't really apply to Black folks cuz most of us are a mixture of the two. But LSB is well....I shouldn't say mean things so I won't. And ironically, do you know who got me into blogging? Her. I suppose I might send her a thk u note, but maybe not...Good post and thx for supporting all of our blogs and adding your wit and humor and irreverence for the GOP:)
  4. Dan-E Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  5. Dan-E Says:
    thanks for the mention! any fan of football is always nice to run into. i've enjoyed reading your blog as well. happy thanksgiving!
  6. James Manning Says:
    No prob Dan, glad you enjoy the blog.
  7. Dell Gines Says:
    Thanks bro. I appreciate your blog to. It allows me to not have to fight all the time and just chill with diverse topics. Plus I have been getting all of my new good blog roll links from in here.

    Nikki's site that I linked to today was working out :).

    Happy thanks giving everybody!
  8. Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden Says:
    11 23 05

    James: I sent LSB a thank you note. And I feel better for it. Even though we all make mistakes, like talking mess from time to time, I don't like doing it, especially with other Black folks. That is why I say blanket things like communazis but don't specifically attribute it to specific people. I apologized to LSB for saying disparaging things about her opinions before. she accepted the apology. After all, I cannot get on people for talking crap about others if I do it myself. So another revelation in ethics has come....Take Care:)
  9. S A J Shirazi Says:
    Coming from you, I am so glad. And happy thanksgiving.
  10. James Manning Says:
    @ Mahn, That is so nice of you to do that. I guess La Shawn isn't so bad, but I stand by everything I said about her. But I have to admit that she has come down a couple of notches. Seems as though she is focusing on her spirituality more and that is bring out some good.

    @ Jan, Thanks for those kind words. I guess I try to appreciate everyone that I come across.... but especially those that make a positive impact on me. I don't know about the giggler part, you seem to get our jokes even when they go off the deep end (but that is mainly due to Raymond)

    @ shariza, Thanks a bunch. Keep up the good work, your blog is really something else.

    I may not post again until Friday so if I miss any comments... sorry. Happy eating folks. Be safe.
  11. Naro% Says:
    Yo James! Thanks for the shout out playa, Keep doing what you! It's kinda like we a bunch o little SIDDHARTA's roaming the world and we bring our focus our insights to each other and the world via our blogs. I still wanna slap some of the cats I see out there but you do a pretty good job of that (man I came across some of yo comments on other blogs, NIGGA YOU CRAZY, but thats what this shit is all about)glad our paths have crossed.
  12. Cynthia Says:
    Thanks for the shout out. I know my thoughts are so different from most that it becomes hard to take for the average person. I have to admit - you are definitely above average to still be reading my blog. You are one of the few people that still frequent my blog from the beginning (nearly the beginning) and for that I say thank you.
  13. bold as love Says:
    Peace on That,
    I tolerate your outburst so I can experience your moments of genuis- And as long as your moments of genuis keep outpacing your outbursts i'll continue to do so- seriously, I don't ever want to surround myself with only people that agree with me- it leads to a stagnation of thought. There are some isssues you have ranted about that forced me to re-evaluate what I believed- my belief didn't change but I was forced to atleast re-evalute them.